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Visit our Kids Ministry page here

Sunday School begins each week at 10:00. Our check-in station on the main level opens at 9:30, and here you can check your child into the appropriate class before seeing them down to their door. Your kids will love this time each week in their themed class, where they will learn about the Bible in an age-appropriate and fun way!

Kids Club is held on Wednesday evenings during Bible Study from 7:00 - 8:30. This large group session for elementary-age children involves skits, Bible lessons, games, and more!


Our Nursery is available during all midweek and weekend services. Several of our staff are trained in First Aid and CPR and a First Aid kit is always on hand in the nursery area. Our nursery staff and all kids ministry workers have completed our Plan to Protect program, which screens all volunteers thoroughly before allowing them to volunteer with children. Each class has at least two staff members at all times, and more volunteers are called as needed.


Staff arrive at the nursery area fifteen minutes prior to service times. Changing tables are located in the mens' and ladies' washroom.

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Our Couples Ministry is so designated to provide the most specific ministry attention possible to people in this stage of life. The Couples Ministry includes those couples from "nearly-weds" and newlyweds to married adults.

Special programs and activities include Home Improvement seminars, banquets (Valentine and others), quarterly activities and fellowships, and various other marriage conferences and seminars.

Blended families will feel at home and welcome at Capital Community. The Couples Ministry is committed to building strong families, no matter their make-up.


Capital Community Youth is a vibrant and growing department that provides powerful and Christ-centered ministry to youth from ages twelve and up. This ministry offers exciting activities, live music, missions opportunities, and special events throughout the year. Capital Community Youth is designed to facilitate young people in their personal relationship with God and also help them develop relationships with other young people in the church.

Capital Community Youth service is held each Wednesday at 7:00pm.

Click here to follow Capital Community Youth on Instagram.

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At Capital Community, we are blessed with the wisdom and experience of many veteran saints. Our Seniors play a vital role in the ministry of this church; rather than just being retired, they get "re-fired" up for Jesus!

This dynamic ministry, called the "KeenAgers" includes all those who are 50 years of age or older. Some activities for this ministry include bus tours, bowling, boat rides, and pot-luck suppers.

Also, a sub-ministry of the Senior Department is our Singles Ministry. Our Singles Ministry provides a network for all singles, including those widowed or divorced to get together and fellowship and make new friends. Our Singles Ministry gets together once a quarter on a Friday evening.


Our Ladies' ministry meet the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM to pray focused prayer for the children of the local church community.

We also host regular ladies events throughout the year! 

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Missions & Multi-Cultural

We love that we are a multi-cultural church and welcome every nation and culture to worship with us! We hold weekly English language and IELTS prep classes to help those new to arriving in our community. 

The Missions Ministry at Capital Community believes in the "Great Commission" of spreading the Gospel to the entire world. While it is impossible for everyone to go to the mission field we support home and foreign mission endeavors both financially and with prayer. Our congregation, which is among the top churches in Canada for missions giving, gives monthly to financially support over 110 foreign missionary endeavors as well as home missionaries in Canada.

Worship & Music

The Music Ministry of Capital Community encompasses all ages through annual events, including a Christmas musical and an Easter concert. They also enjoy being involved in community events, such as the Remembrance Day Services, Christmas Tree lighting and more.


The services at CCC begin with music and singing - it varies from inspirational worship to power-packed praise. The mission of the music department is to escort God's presence into our services through worship by His people. Why not come and worship with us and experience Jesus at Capital Community?

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Compassionate Care

Our Care Ministries here at Capital Community Church view the challenging circumstances of life as opportunities to step out and share the love and truth of Jesus Christ in our community. From baskets and flowers to those in the hospital to our Christmas food distribution programs, our Compassion Ministries have always had a heart for the needy. 

Our Care Ministry team is very diligent about keeping regular visits with those that are elderly and shut-in.

Prison Ministry

The purpose of our Prison Ministry at Capital Community is to support inmates and their families on their journey toward spiritual maturity, and successful integration into society. Paul declared that a man in Christ is a new creation! Former prisoners living transformed lives in the church are vivid reminders of the power of Christ to change lives!

This ministry currently hosts regular services at one of the large prison facilities in the province of New Brunswick.

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71 Downing Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick


506-459-5054 |

Mailing: PO Box 3059, Station B, Fredericton, NB E3A 5G8


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